Non-Academic Misconduct
Non-Academic Misconduct
B. Alcohol. The unlawful production, consumption, distribution, possession, provision, or use of alcohol or alcohol paraphernalia, including the public drunkenness of students at least 21 years of age; any violation of University Policy 01:105.
C. Assault. Any physical attack on another person, including but not limited to choking, fighting, punching, slapping, striking, causing injury by animals, or any other form of contact resulting in physical harm.
D. Classroom Disruption. Any disruptive or disorderly behavior that disturbs the classroom instructional environment or interrupts the learning process.
E. Destroying Property. Intentionally destroying, damaging, defacing, or vandalizing University property or the property of others.
F. Dishonesty. Intentionally providing false, fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading information to University officials, faculty, or staff; forgery; falsification of documents; unauthorized duplication or distribution of university issued keys or other university property.
G. Disorderly Conduct. Behavior that creates a hostile, frightening, or intimidating environment, or that threatens the physical health, safety, and well-being of others. This behavior can include loud, unnecessary, unusual, disruptive, or continuous noise that disturbs the peace.
H. Drugs & Paraphernalia. The unlawful creation, use, possession, or sale of any counterfeit, controlled, dangerous, illegal, prescription medications, including drug paraphernalia (pipes, bongs, etc.), or mind-altering drugs, including but not limited to Adderall, marijuana, crack, cocaine, ecstasy, meth, etc.; any violation of University Policy 01:105.
I. Failure to Comply. Refusal to cooperate with or appropriately respond to a reasonable request by a university official, law enforcement officer; intentional disregard of a University policy, regulation, or procedure.
J. Fire and Safety. Changing, damaging, disabling, or misusing fire safety equipment; failing to immediately exit any university building when a fire alarm or other emergency notification has sounded; starting a fire; unauthorized possession or use of fireworks or explosive materials; causing a false fire alarm or report; and misuse of emergency call boxes; any violation of University Policy 01:135.
K. Harassment. Ongoing, unwelcome aggressive or intimidating behavior which, by means of physical contact or verbal, written, or digital-based (cyberbullying) communication, causes psychological or physical harm to another person.
L. Hazing. An act that intentionally, knowingly, and/or recklessly causes or creates an unreasonable risk of harm of physical or psychological injury as a condition for initiation or admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in a group or organization. Hazing is punishable whether it occurs on or off University property and regardless of a person’s “consent” to such conduct. Additionally, any such conduct that violates state law or failing to report hazing incidents are punishable under this policy; any violation of University Policy 01:110.
M. Interference with Freedom of Expression. Any attempt to interrupt or interfere with anyone’s right to freedom of expression under University Policy 01:018.
N. Misuse of Information Technology Resources. Any unauthorized attempt to access or use University computers, networks, systems, programs, or data, including manipulations and fraudulent transmissions; any action that interferes with the proper functioning of systems or adversely impacts another user’s rights, including but not limited to student or employee privacy; any other violations of University Policies 01:010 (Use of Information Resources) and 01:011 (Information Technology Security Program).
O. Misuse of Official Identification. Purchasing, possessing, or using fake or altered identification or another person’s state identification or license; sharing or using another student’s University student ID card.
P. Retaliation. Discriminating against, intimidating, threatening, coercing, or harassing any person because the person reported, complained, testified, assisted, participated, or refused to participate in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing authorized by law or University policy.
Q. Sexual Harassment or Sexual Misconduct. Any behavior prohibited by University Policy 01:114 (Sexual Misconduct, nondiscrimination, and harassment). Sexual misconduct includes any form of unwelcome, non-consensual, sexual contact, including touching an unwilling person’s private parts (defined as genitalia, groin, breast or buttocks, or clothing covering them), forcing an unwilling person to touch another’s private parts, sexual exploitation, voyeurism, and indecent exposure of one’s private parts.
R. Smoking & Vaping. Smoking of any kind inside of or within 25 feet of building entrances and exits of University-owned facilities; any violation of University Policy 01:135.
S. Stealing. Taking or borrowing a thing of value or property (including intellectual property) from its owner without permission.
T. Threat. An act, statement, or expression with the goal of causing damage, injury, pain, or other intimidating action during an incident or interaction.
U. Trespassing. Unauthorized entry into or use of University buildings, equipment, or property.
V. Weapons. Except as expressly authorized by law, possessing or using dangerous items on University property including, but not limited to, firearms, guns, knives, tasers, stun guns, BB guns, replicas, bows and arrows or other devices designed to eject shells at a high rate of speed; any violation of University Policy 01:140.
W. Violating Law or University Policy. Violating any local, state, federal law, or any University policy.